

Display a series of panels that can be expanded or collapsed.


Import the Accordion primitives from ng-primitives/accordion.

import {
} from 'ng-primitives/accordion';


Assemble the accordion directives in your template.

<div ngpAccordion ngpAccordionType="single" ngpAccordionCollapsible>
  <div ngpAccordionItem ngpAccordionItemValue="item-1">
    <button ngpAccordionTrigger>Would you like to learn more?</button>
    <div ngpAccordionContent>If you would like to learn more please reach out to us on GitHub.</div>

  <div ngpAccordionItem ngpAccordionItemValue="item-2">
    <button ngpAccordionTrigger>Can I use this in my project?</button>
    <div ngpAccordionContent>Yes, this is open source and you can use it in your project.</div>


Accordions will often have animations to transition the content when it is expanding or collapsing.

The ngpAccordionContent directive applies the --ngp-accordion-content-width and --ngp-accordion-content-height CSS custom properties which define the width and height of the content when it is expanded. This can be used to animate the content when it is expanding or collapsing.

[ngpAccordionContent] {
  overflow: hidden;
  transition: height 0.3s ease;

[ngpAccordionContent][data-open='true'] {
  height: var(--ngp-accordion-content-height);

[ngpAccordionContent][data-open='false'] {
  height: 0;

It is important that the width or height is not set to 0 until the data-open attribute is present. The content size is computed on initial mount and only then will the data-open attribute be set.

API Reference

The following directives are available to import from the ng-primitives/accordion package:


Apply the ngpAccordion directive to an element that represents the group of accordion items.

  • Selector: [ngpAccordion]
  • Exported As: ngpAccordion
Define whether only one or multiple accordion items can be open at a time. Define an accordion can be collapsed. This is only applicable when `ngpAccordionType` is set to `single`. Define the expanded accordion items. This should be a single value when `ngpAccordionType` is set to `single` and an array when set to `multiple`. Define whether the accordion is disabled. Define the orientation of the accordion. Emitted when the expanded accordion items change. This will be a single value when `ngpAccordionType` is set to `single` and an array when set to `multiple`.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpAccordion directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-orientation The orientation of the accordion. horizontal | vertical
data-disabled Whether the accordion is disabled. true | false


Apply the ngpAccordionItem directive to an element that represents an accordion item.

  • Selector: [ngpAccordionItem]
  • Exported As: ngpAccordionItem
Define the value of the accordion item. Define whether the accordion item is disabled.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpAccordionItem directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-orientation The orientation of the accordion. horizontal | vertical
data-open The state of the accordion item. true | false
data-disabled whether the accordion item is disabled. true | false


Apply the ngpAccordionTrigger directive to an element that represents the trigger for an accordion item, such as a button.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpAccordionTrigger directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-hover Whether the accordion trigger is hovered. true | false
data-focus-visible Whether the accordion trigger is focused. true | false
data-press Whether the accordion trigger is pressed. true | false
data-orientation The orientation of the accordion. horizontal | vertical
data-open The state of the accordion item. true | false
data-disabled Whether the accordion item is disabled. true | false


Apply the ngpAccordionContent directive to an element that represents the content of an accordion item.

  • Selector: [ngpAccordionContent]
  • Exported As: ngpAccordionContent

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpAccordionContent directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-orientation The orientation of the accordion. horizontal | vertical
data-open The state of the accordion item. true | false

Global Configuration

You can configure the default options for all accordions in your application by using the provideNgpAccordionConfig function in a providers array.

import { provideNgpAccordionConfig } from 'ng-primitives/accordion';

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [
      type: 'multiple',
      collapsible: true,
      orientation: 'horizontal',


Define whether only one or multiple accordion items can be open at a time. Define an accordion can be collapsed. This is only applicable when `type` is set to `single`. Define the orientation of the accordion.


Adheres to the Accordion WAI-ARIA design pattern.

Keyboard Interactions

  • Space - Toggle the expanded state of the accordion item when the trigger is focused.
  • Enter - Toggle the expanded state of the accordion item when the trigger is focused.

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