

Enhance your application by providing a visually appealing and intuitive way to represent actions, statuses, and features. Icons improve user experience, aid in navigation, and help convey information quickly.

We also maintain the popular Angular Icons library which gives you access to over 50,000 icons from popular icon libraries like Font Awesome, Material Design, Heroicons and more.


The NgIcon component is used to render icons in your application. To use icons, you need to import the NgIcon directive from @ng-icons/core.

Icons must be registered using the provideIcons function. The icons you want to use must be individually imported from their respective packages.

import { NgIcon, provideIcons } from '@ng-icons/core';
import { featherAirplay } from '@ng-icons/feather-icons';
import { heroUsers } from '@ng-icons/heroicons/outline';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
    <ng-icon name="featherAirplay" />
    <ng-icon name="heroUsers" />
  imports: [NgIcon],
  viewProviders: [provideIcons({ featherAirplay, heroUsers })],
export class AppComponent {}

View the full list of available icons in the Angular Icons documentation.

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