

The Pagination primitives provide a set of directives to create a pagination control. The pagination control is used to navigate through a set of data that is split into multiple pages.


Import the Pagination primitives from ng-primitives/pagination.

import {
} from 'ng-primitives/pagination';


Assemble the pagination directives in your template.

  aria-label="Pagination Navigation"
      <a ngpPaginationFirst aria-label="First Page">
        <ng-icon name="heroChevronDoubleLeft" />

      <a ngpPaginationPrevious aria-label="Previous Page">
        <ng-icon name="heroChevronLeft" />

      <a ngpPaginationButton ngpPaginationButtonPage="1" aria-label="Page 1">1</a>
      <a ngpPaginationButton ngpPaginationButtonPage="2" aria-label="Page 2">2</a>
      <a ngpPaginationButton ngpPaginationButtonPage="3" aria-label="Page 3">3</a>
      <a ngpPaginationButton ngpPaginationButtonPage="4" aria-label="Page 4">4</a>
      <a ngpPaginationButton ngpPaginationButtonPage="5" aria-label="Page 5">5</a>

      <a ngpPaginationNext aria-label="Next Page">
        <ng-icon name="heroChevronRight" />

      <a ngpPaginationLast aria-label="Last Page">
        <ng-icon name="heroChevronDoubleRight" />

API Reference

The following directives are available to import from the ng-primitives/pagination package:


The NgpPagination directive is used to create a pagination control.

  • Selector: [ngpPagination]
  • Exported As: ngpPagination
The current page number. The total number of pages. Emits the new page number when the page changes. Disables the pagination control.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpPagination directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-page The current page number. number
data-page-count The total number of pages. number
data-disabled Disables the pagination control. boolean
data-first-page Whether the current page is the first page. boolean
data-last-page Whether the current page is the last page. boolean


The NgpPaginationButton directive is used to create a pagination button.

  • Selector: [ngpPaginationButton]
  • Exported As: ngpPaginationButton
  • Host Directives: NgpButton
The page number that the button navigates to. Disables the pagination button.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpPaginationButton directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-selected Whether the button is selected. true | false
data-page The page number that the button navigates to. number
data-hover The hover state of the button. true | false
data-focus-visible The focus state of the button. true | false
data-press The pressed state of the button. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the button. true | false


The NgpPaginationFirst directive is used to create a pagination button that navigates to the first page.

  • Selector: [ngpPaginationFirst]
  • Exported As: ngpPaginationFirst
  • Host Directives: NgpButton
Disables the pagination button.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpPaginationFirst directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-first-page Whether the current page is the first page. true | false
data-hover The hover state of the button. true | false
data-focus-visible The focus state of the button. true | false
data-press The pressed state of the button. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the button. true | false


The NgpPaginationPrevious directive is used to create a pagination button that navigates to the previous page.

  • Selector: [ngpPaginationPrevious]
  • Exported As: ngpPaginationPrevious
  • Host Directives: NgpButton
Disables the pagination button.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpPaginationPrevious directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-first-page Whether the current page is the first page. true | false
data-hover The hover state of the button. true | false
data-focus-visible The focus state of the button. true | false
data-press The pressed state of the button. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the button. true | false


The NgpPaginationNext directive is used to create a pagination button that navigates to the next page.

  • Selector: [ngpPaginationNext]
  • Exported As: ngpPaginationNext
  • Host Directives: NgpButton
Disables the pagination button.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpPaginationNext directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-last-page Whether the current page is the last page. true | false
data-hover The hover state of the button. true | false
data-focus-visible The focus state of the button. true | false
data-press The pressed state of the button. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the button. true | false


The NgpPaginationLast directive is used to create a pagination button that navigates to the last page.

  • Selector: [ngpPaginationLast]
  • Exported As: ngpPaginationLast
  • Host Directives: NgpButton
Disables the pagination button.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpPaginationLast directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-last-page Whether the current page is the last page. true | false
data-hover The hover state of the button. true | false
data-focus-visible The focus state of the button. true | false
data-press The pressed state of the button. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the button. true | false

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