
Date Adapter

The Date Adapter is an abstraction layer that allows components to use date objects from any date library, ensuring compatibility and easy integration.


Import the DateAdapter from ng-primitives/date-time.

import { NgpLuxonDateAdapter } from '@ng-primitives/luxon-date-adapter';
import { NgpDateAdapter, NgpNativeDateAdapter } from 'ng-primitives/date-time';


Angular Primitives ships with two date adapters out of the box: NgpNativeDateAdapter and NgpLuxonDateAdapter. The NgpNativeDateAdapter uses the native JavaScript Date object, while the NgpLuxonDateAdapter uses the Luxon date library.

To use a date adapter, you need to provide it to Angular's dependency injection system. This can be done once at the root of your application or at a component/module level.

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [provideDateAdapter(NgpLuxonDateAdapter)],

If no date adapter is provided, the NgpNativeDateAdapter will be used by default.

Should you need to use a different date library, you can create your own date adapter by implementing the NgpDateAdapter interface.

Should you wish to use the adapter in a component, you can inject it into a component.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import { injectDateAdapter } from 'ng-primitives/date-time';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
export class AppComponent {
  private readonly dateAdapter = injectDateAdapter<DateTime>();

API Reference

All date adapters must implement the NgpDateAdapter interface.

interface NgpDateAdapter<T> {
   * Create a new date time object.
  create(values: NgpDateUnits): T;

   * Create a new date with the current date and time.
  now(): T;

   * Set the year of the date time object based on a duration.
  set(date: T, values: NgpDateUnits): T;

   * Add a duration to the date time object.
  add(date: T, duration: NgpDuration): T;

   * Subtract a duration from the date time object.
  subtract(date: T, duration: NgpDuration): T;

   * Compare two date time objects.
  compare(a: T, b: T): number;

   * Determine if two date time objects are equal.
  isEqual(a: T, b: T): boolean;

   * Determine if a date time object is before another.
  isBefore(a: T, b: T): boolean;

   * Determine if a date time object is after another.
  isAfter(a: T, b: T): boolean;

   * Determine if two date objects are on the same day.
  isSameDay(a: T, b: T): boolean;

   * Determine if two date objects are on the same month.
  isSameMonth(a: T, b: T): boolean;

   * Determine if two date objects are on the same year.
  isSameYear(a: T, b: T): boolean;

   * Get the year.
  getYear(date: T): number;

   * Get the month.
  getMonth(date: T): number;

   * Get the date.
  getDate(date: T): number;

   * Get the day.
  getDay(date: T): number;

   * Get the hours.
  getHours(date: T): number;

   * Get the minutes.
  getMinutes(date: T): number;

   * Get the seconds.
  getSeconds(date: T): number;

   * Get the milliseconds.
  getMilliseconds(date: T): number;

   * Get the first day of the month.
  startOfMonth(date: T): T;

   * Get the last day of the month.
  endOfMonth(date: T): T;

   * Get the start of the day.
  startOfDay(date: T): T;

   * Get the end of the day.
  endOfDay(date: T): T;

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