
Date Picker

A date picker is a component that allows users to select a date from a calendar and navigate through months and years.


Import the DatePicker primitives from ng-primitives/date-picker.

import {
} from 'ng-primitives/date-picker';


Assemble the date-picker directives in your template.

<div ngpDatePicker>
    <button ngpDatePickerPreviousMonth>...</button>
    <h2 ngpDatePickerLabel>...</h2>
    <button ngpDatePickerNextMonth>...</button>
  <table ngpDatePickerGrid>
        <th scope="col" abbr="Sunday">S</th>
      <tr *ngpDatePickerRowRender>
        <td *ngpDatePickerCellRender="let date" ngpDatePickerCell>
          <button ngpDatePickerDateButton>...</button>

API Reference

By default, the date picker uses the native JavaScript Date object, however the date picker is designed to work with any date library. To use a date library, such as Luxon, you need to specify the appropriate date adapter. The date adapter is an abstraction layer that allows components to use date objects from any date library, ensuring compatibility and easy integration. To learn more about the date adapter, see the Date Adapter documentation.

The following directives are available to import from the ng-primitives/date-picker package:


The outermost container for the date picker.

  • Selector: [ngpDatePicker]
  • Exported As: ngpDatePicker
Define the selected date. The type `T` is a generic type that represents the date value which can be a `Date` or a custom Date object handled by a `NgpDateAdapter`. Define the minimum date that can be selected. Define the maximum date that can be selected. Define the disabled state. Define a function that determines if a date is disabled. The function receives a date value and should return `true` if the date is disabled. Define the focused date.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are available on the ngpDatePicker directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-disabled The disabled state of the date picker. true | false


The label that displays the current month and year typically in the header of the date picker. This will be announced by screen readers when the date changes.

  • Selector: [ngpDatePickerLabel]
  • Exported As: ngpDatePickerLabel

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are available on the ngpDatePickerLabel directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-disabled The disabled state of the date picker. true | false


A button that navigates to the previous month.

  • Selector: [ngpDatePickerPreviousMonth]
  • Exported As: ngpDatePickerPreviousMonth
  • Host Directives: NgpButton

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are available on the ngpDatePickerPreviousMonth directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-hover The hover state of the button. true | false
data-focus-visible The focus state of the button. true | false
data-press The pressed state of the button. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the button. true | false


A button that navigates to the next month.

  • Selector: [ngpDatePickerNextMonth]
  • Exported As: ngpDatePickerNextMonth
  • Host Directives: NgpButton

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are available on the ngpDatePickerNextMonth directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-hover The hover state of the button. true | false
data-focus-visible The focus state of the button. true | false
data-press The pressed state of the button. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the button. true | false


The grid that contains the days of the month.

  • Selector: [ngpDatePickerGrid]
  • Exported As: ngpDatePickerGrid

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are available on the ngpDatePickerGrid directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-disabled The disabled state of the date picker. true | false


A structural directive that renders a row of weekdays in the date picker grid.

  • Selector: *ngpDatePickerRowRender
  • Exported As: ngpDatePickerRowRender


A structural directive that renders a cell in the date picker grid.

  • Selector: *ngpDatePickerCellRender
  • Exported As: ngpDatePickerCellRender

The following context fields are available on the ngpDatePickerCellRender directive:

The date value for the cell.


A cell in the date picker grid.

  • Selector: [ngpDatePickerCell]
  • Exported As: ngpDatePickerCell

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are available on the ngpDatePickerCell directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-disabled The disabled state of the date picker. true | false
data-selected The selected state of the date. true | false


A button that represents a date in the date picker grid.

  • Selector: [ngpDatePickerDateButton]
  • Exported As: ngpDatePickerDateButton
  • Host Directives: NgpButton

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are available on the ngpDatePickerDateButton directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-selected The selected state of the button. true | false
data-outside-month The state of the button if it is outside the current month. true | false
data-today The state of the button if it is today. true | false
data-hover The hover state of the button. true | false
data-focus-visible The focus state of the button. true | false
data-press The pressed state of the button. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the button. true | false


Adheres to the WAI-ARIA design pattern.

Keyboard Interactions

  • Space - Selects the focused date.
  • Enter - Selects the focused date.
  • ArrowUp - Moves focus to the same day of the previous week.
  • ArrowDown - Moves focus to the same day of the next week.
  • ArrowLeft - Moves focus to the previous day.
  • ArrowRight - Moves focus to the next day.
  • Home - Moves focus to the first day of the month.
  • End - Moves focus to the last day of the month.
  • PageUp - Moves focus to the same date in the previous month.
  • PageDown - Moves focus to the same date in the next month.

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