
Form Field


Import the FormField primitives from ng-primitives/form-field.

import {
} from 'ng-primitives/form-field';


Assemble the form-field directives in your template.

<div ngpFormField>
  <label ngpLabel>Label</label>
  <!-- Typically ngpFormControl would not be used directly, but a primitive like ngpInput would be used instead -->
  <input ngpFormControl />
  <p ngpDescription>Description</p>
  <p ngpError ngpErrorValidator="required">Error</p>


Generate a form field component with the NgpFormField primitive preconfigured.

 ng g ng-primitives:form-field


  • name: The name of the component.
  • prefix: The prefix to apply to the generated component selector.
  • directory: The directory at which to create the component file.
  • style: The file extension or preprocessor to use for style files.
  • inlineStyle: Include styles inline in the component.ts file. Only CSS styles can be included inline.
  • inlineTemplate: Include template inline in the component.ts file

API Reference

The following directives are available to import from the ng-primitives/form-field package:


The NgpFormField directive is a container for form field elements. Any labels, form controls, or descriptions should be placed within this directive.

  • Selector: [ngpFormField]
  • Exported As: ngpFormField

Data Attributes

Attribute Description Value
data-invalid The invalid state of the form control. true | false
data-valid The valid state of the form control. true | false
data-touched The touched state of the form control. true | false
data-pristine The pristine state of the form control. true | false
data-dirty The dirty state of the form control. true | false
data-pending The pending state of the form control. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the form control. true | false


The NgpLabel directive is used to mark a label element within a form field. Preferably, there should use an HTML <label> element.

  • Selector: [ngpLabel]
  • Exported As: ngpLabel

Data Attributes

Attribute Description Value
data-invalid The invalid state of the form control. true | false
data-valid The valid state of the form control. true | false
data-touched The touched state of the form control. true | false
data-pristine The pristine state of the form control. true | false
data-dirty The dirty state of the form control. true | false
data-pending The pending state of the form control. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the form control. true | false


The NgpDescription directive is used to mark a description element within a form field. There may be multiple descriptions associated with a form control.

  • Selector: [ngpDescription]
  • Exported As: ngpDescription

Data Attributes

Attribute Description Value
data-invalid The invalid state of the form control. true | false
data-valid The valid state of the form control. true | false
data-touched The touched state of the form control. true | false
data-pristine The pristine state of the form control. true | false
data-dirty The dirty state of the form control. true | false
data-pending The pending state of the form control. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the form control. true | false


The NgpError directive is used to mark an error message element within a form field. There may be multiple error messages associated with a form control.

  • Selector: [ngpError]
  • Exported As: ngpError
The name of the validator associated with this error message.

Data Attributes

Attribute Description Value
data-validator Whether the validator specified in ngpErrorValidator is failing. fail | pass
data-invalid The invalid state of the form control. true | false
data-valid The valid state of the form control. true | false
data-touched The touched state of the form control. true | false
data-pristine The pristine state of the form control. true | false
data-dirty The dirty state of the form control. true | false
data-pending The pending state of the form control. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the form control. true | false


Typically this primitive would be not be used directly, but instead a more specific form control primitive would be used (e.g. ngpInput). All of our form control primitives use ngpFormControl internally so they will have the same accessibility features as described below.

The NgpFormControl directive is used to mark a form control element within a form field. This element will have an aria-labelledby attribute set to the ID of the label element within the form field and an aria-describedby attribute set to the ID of the description elements within the form field.

  • Selector: [ngpFormControl]
  • Exported As: ngpFormControl

Data Attributes

Attribute Description Value
data-invalid The invalid state of the form control. true | false
data-valid The valid state of the form control. true | false
data-touched The touched state of the form control. true | false
data-pristine The pristine state of the form control. true | false
data-dirty The dirty state of the form control. true | false
data-pending The pending state of the form control. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the form control. true | false


The label and description elements should be associated with the form control using the aria-labelledby and aria-describedby attributes, respectively. This will ensure that screen readers can provide the necessary context to users.

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