

Selection within a group.


Import the Radio primitives from ng-primitives/radio.

import { NgpRadioGroup, NgpRadioItem, NgpRadioIndicator } from 'ng-primitives/radio';


Assemble the radio directives in your template.

<div ngpRadioGroup [(ngpRadioGroupValue)]="value">
  <button ngpRadioItem ngpRadioItemValue="Option 1">
    <ng-icon ngpRadioIndicator name="dot" />
    Option 1

  <button ngpRadioItem ngpRadioItemValue="Option 2">
    <ng-icon ngpRadioIndicator name="dot" />
    Option 2

  <button ngpRadioItem ngpRadioItemValue="Option 3">
    <ng-icon ngpRadioIndicator name="dot" />
    Option 3

API Reference

The following directives are available to import from the ng-primitives/radio package:


Apply the ngpRadioGroup directive to an element that represents the group of radio items.

Define the selected value. Define the disabled state.

Define the orientation.

Event emitted when the selection changes.


Apply the ngpRadioItem directive to an element that represents a radio item. This would typically be a button element.

Define the value of this item. Define the disabled state.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpRadioGroup directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-orientation The orientation of the radio group. vertical | horizontal
data-disabled The disabled state of the radio item. true | false

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpRadioItem directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-checked The checked state of the radio item. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the radio item. true | false
data-hover The hover state of the radio item. true | false
data-focus-visible The focus state of the radio item. true | false
data-press The press state of the radio item. true | false


Apply the ngpRadioIndicator directive to an element that represents the radio indicator (i.e. the dot).

  • Selector: [ngpRadioIndicator]
  • Exported As: ngpRadioIndicator
  • Host Directives: NgpHover, NgpPress

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are applied to the ngpRadioItem directive:

Attribute Description Value
data-checked The checked state of the radio item. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the radio item. true | false
data-hover The hover state of the radio indicator. true | false
data-press The press state of the radio indicator. true | false


Adheres to the Radio Group WAI-ARIA design pattern.

Keyboard Interaction

  • Tab - Moves focus to the first radio button.
  • Arrow Down - Moves focus to the next radio button (vertical orientation).
  • Arrow Up - Moves focus to the previous radio button (vertical orientation).
  • Arrow Right - Moves focus to the next radio button (horizontal orientation).
  • Arrow Left - Moves focus to the previous radio button (horizontal orientation).
  • Space - Selects the focused radio button if not already selected.

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