

Select a value within a range.


Import the Slider primitives from ng-primitives/slider.

import { NgpSlider, NgpSliderTrack, NgpSliderRange, NgpSliderThumb } from 'ng-primitives/slider';


Assemble the slider directives in your template.

<div ngpSlider>
  <div ngpSliderTrack>
    <div ngpSliderRange></div>
  <div ngpSliderThumb></div>


Here are some additional examples of how to use the Slider primitives.

Slider Form Field

The slider automatically integrates with the form field primitives.

API Reference

The following directives are available to import from the ng-primitives/slider package:


Apply the ngpSlider directive to an element that represents the slider and contains the track, range, and thumb.

  • Selector: [ngpSlider]
  • Exported As: ngpSlider
  • Host Directives: NgpFormControl
Define the selected value. Define the minimum value. Define the maximum value. Define the step value. Define the orientation.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are available to style the slider:

Attribute Description Value
data-disabled The disabled state of the slider. true | false
data-orientation The orientation of the slider. horizontal | vertical


Apply the ngpSliderTrack directive to an element that represents the track of the slider.

  • Selector: [ngpSliderTrack]
  • Exported As: ngpSliderTrack

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are available to style the slider track:

Attribute Description Value
data-disabled The disabled state of the slider. true | false
data-orientation The orientation of the slider. horizontal | vertical


Apply the ngpSliderRange directive to an element that represents the range of the slider.

  • Selector: [ngpSliderRange]
  • Exported As: ngpSliderRange

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are available to style the slider range:

Attribute Description Value
data-disabled The disabled state of the slider. true | false
data-orientation The orientation of the slider. horizontal | vertical


Apply the ngpSliderThumb directive to an element that represents the thumb of the slider.

Data Attributes

The following data attributes are available to style the thumb:

Attribute Description Value
data-orientation The orientation of the slider. horizontal | vertical
data-disabled The disabled state of the slider. true | false
data-hover The hover state of the slider thumb. true | false
data-focus-visible The focus state of the slider thumb. true | false
data-press The pressed state of the slider thumb. true | false


Adheres to the Slider WAI-ARIA design pattern.

Keyboard Interactions

  • Left Arrow or Down Arrow: Decrease the value by the step.
  • Right Arrow or Up Arrow: Increase the value by the step.
  • Left Arrow or Down Arrow + Shift: Decrease the value by the step by a larger amount.
  • Right Arrow or Up Arrow + Shift: Increase the value by the step by a larger amount.
  • Home: Set the value to the minimum.
  • End: Set the value to the maximum.

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