Dynamically show and hide content based on an active tab.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultricies lacinia arcu, in dignissim magna mollis in. Proin ac faucibus sem. Aliquam sit amet augue non risus commodo volutpat id sit amet nisi. Integer posuere nisl in ligula faucibus vestibulum. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras eget sem ac velit pellentesque lobortis at in ex. Vestibulum nisl diam, eleifend eget malesuada a, cursus id ante. Morbi fringilla, metus nec consectetur maximus, leo purus gravida est, eu fringilla dui quam fermentum sapien. Vivamus tempus ullamcorper lectus, nec cursus sapien consectetur vel. Praesent vehicula erat ac massa egestas viverra. Pellentesque urna magna, consectetur convallis ante vel, posuere aliquet arcu. Duis eu nulla id sapien lobortis bibendum eget vel velit. Donec sed nisi ac lacus placerat iaculis. Donec blandit eros sit amet nibh accumsan cursus. Morbi sit amet ex et enim tempus porttitor non eu erat.
Import the Tabs primitives from ng-primitives/tabs
Assemble the tabs directives in your template.
Create reusable components that uses the tab directives.
Generate a reusable tab components using the Angular CLI.
: The path at which to create the component file.prefix
: The prefix to apply to the generated component selector.componentSuffix
: The suffix to apply to the generated component class name.fileSuffix
: The suffix to apply to the generated component file name. Defaults to component
: Whether to include example styles in the generated component file. Defaults to true
.The following directives are available to import from the ng-primitives/tabs
Apply the ngpTabset
directive to an element to manage the tabs.
Define the selected tab.
Define the orientation of the tabs.
Define whether the tab should activate on focus.
The following data attributes are applied to the ngpTabset
Attribute | Description | Value |
data-orientation |
The orientation of the tabs. | horizontal | vertical |
Apply the ngpTabList
directive to an element that represents the list of tab buttons.
The following data attributes are applied to the ngpTabList
Attribute | Description | Value |
data-orientation |
The orientation of the tabs. | horizontal | vertical |
Apply the ngpTabButton
directive to an element within a tab list to represent a tab button. This directive should be applied to a button element.
Define the value of the tab.
Define whether the tab button is disabled.
The following data attributes are applied to the ngpTabButton
Attribute | Description | Value |
data-orientation |
The orientation of the tabs. | horizontal | vertical |
data-active |
Applied when the tab is active. | - |
data-disabled |
Applied when the tab is disabled. | - |
data-hover |
Applied when the tab is hovered. | - |
data-focus-visible |
Applied when the tab is focused. | - |
data-press |
Applied when the tab is pressed. | - |
Apply the ngpTabPanel
directive to an element that represents the content of a tab.
Define the value of the tab.
The following data attributes are applied to the ngpTabPanel
Attribute | Description | Value |
data-active |
Applied when the tab is active. | - |
data-orientation |
The orientation of the tabs. | horizontal | vertical |
You can configure the default options for all tabs in your application by using the provideTabsConfig
function in a providers array.
The following options are available to configure the default tab options:
Define the default orientation of the tabs.
Define whether the tab should activate on focus.
Define whether the tabs should wrap around the tab list.
Adheres to the Tabs WAI-ARIA design pattern.
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