
File Upload

The file upload primitive allows you to trigger a file upload from any element, giving you the more control over the appearance and behavior compared to the native file input.


Import the FileUpload primitives from ng-primitives/file-upload.

import { NgpFileUpload } from 'ng-primitives/file-upload';


Assemble the file-upload directives in your template.

<button ngpFileUpload (ngpFileUploadSelected)="onFilesSelected($event)"></button>

API Reference

The following directives are available to import from the ng-primitives/file-upload package:


A directive that allows you to turn any element into a file upload trigger.

Define if multiple files can be selected. Define the file types that can be selected. Define if directories can be selected. Define if drag and drop is enabled. Define if the file upload is disabled. Event emitted when files are selected. Event emitted when a file is dragged over or out of the element.

Data Attributes

Attribute Description Value
data-hover If the file upload is being hovered over. true | false
data-focus-visible If the file upload is focused. true | false
data-press If the file upload is being pressed. true | false
data-dragover If a file is being dragged over the element. true | false
data-disabled If the file upload is disabled. true | false

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