
Search Field

A search field is a form control that allows users to enter a search query.


Import the SearchField primitives from ng-primitives/search.

import { NgpSearchField, NgpSearchFieldClear } from 'ng-primitives/search';


Assemble the search-field directives in your template.

<div ngpSearchField>
  <label ngpLabel>Label</label>
  <input ngpInput type="search" />
  <button ngpButton ngpSearchFieldClear aria-label="Clear search">Clear</button>

API Reference

The following directives are available to import from the ng-primitives/search package:


The NgpSearchField directive is a container for the search field components.

  • Selector: [ngpSearchField]
  • Exported As: ngpSearchField
  • Host Directives: NgpFormField

Data Attributes

Attribute Description Value
data-empty Whether the associated input is empty. true | false
data-invalid The invalid state of the form control. true | false
data-valid The valid state of the form control. true | false
data-touched The touched state of the form control. true | false
data-pristine The pristine state of the form control. true | false
data-dirty The dirty state of the form control. true | false
data-pending The pending state of the form control. true | false
data-disabled The disabled state of the form control. true | false


The NgpSearchFieldClear directive is can be added to a button to clear the search field on click.

  • Selector: [ngpSearchFieldClear]
  • Exported As: ngpSearchFieldClear
Attribute Description Value
data-empty Whether the associated input is empty. true | false


Adheres to the Search WAI-ARIA design pattern.

Keyboard Interaction

  • Esc - Clears the search field.

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